Online Gambling With Mastercard is Dying Out in The US

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Since the US is considering the enforcement of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, the MasterCard is now preparing for the enforcement. The Act aims at cutting off the money supply to the online gambling casinos. Now more and more restrictions are being imposed on the American citizen on making deposits to the online casinos.

The stand taken by MasterCard has affected many of the online poker sites. Many of the players are finding it very difficult to make deposits or to collect the money that is due to them. The players who have tried to make transaction using the MasterCard have found that they have been billed; however, the online gaming company that they were trying to pay, has not received the money. This is because the money was intercepted. Some of the players have been able to use the MasterCard to transact business with the online gaming companies; this may be because the concerned banks are not complying with the UIGEA yet. Online Gambling with MasterCard in the US is becoming almost impossible.

It was found that some of the MasterCards had false codes on them, thereby enabling them to transact the online gambling accounts. MasterCard then began a manual audit, and came to the conclusion that some cards did indeed have the false codes. They then took steps to stop these accounts being processed.

Since the MasterCard had been an easy way to make deposits, the gaming companies, had frequently used this payment method. Now the gaming industry is going to take some time to catch up. The gaming companies have now started requesting their players to use the e-wallet instead.

MasterCard is anxious about its online payment's security. MasterCard has a system known as SecureCode. The processor will ask some questions regarding the zip code, first number of the buyer's address, the three number codes on the reverse side of the card. If you are installing the MasterCard and the salesman does not prefer the fraud data, then you must ask them to add it. You should make sure that they test the system for any glitches.

The MasterCard is being used by players from all other countries, where gambling is not banned. It is found to be a sure and safe way to transact the online gaming business. It is only in the US that the MasterCard is not being used for online gambling payments.

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