Play Poker to Stand The Job You Hate!

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The secret of getting ahead is getting started. - Mark Twain

The world is a happy place to live in and it is so for most people, even with its routine share of troubles. People wake up everyday and go their jobs they often love or hate and they make money out of it nevertheless. Our point is address that minority that perhaps isn't too happy with the job it is serving currently. We have a way that can help you channelize your energy in more productive terms.

Why cribbing about your job isn't the best thing?
Hating won't make you any better but using your time to learn something new surely would. You could take anything under the sun to learn but we'd suggest Poker. It is an easy to learn, skill-based card-game that hinges on several core concepts of Mathematics, Psychology and Risk Management. This game is also a closed sum of a person's self-belief and an ability to formulate strategies on the go.

Poker is simple. It uses a standard deck of 52 cards with ten card combinations presumed to have different orders of priority- and one can learn this simple order in a day or two. Poker is played across different variants and they all feature different number of cards being dealt to the players. Learning and playing helps when done in a closed circular manner and it all takes years to practice and perfect.

How to use your current job to be better at poker?
Everybody needs motivation. What could be better than using the same thing that dreads you every morning? Going that route would serve two purposes- you would start looking your fear in the eye and you would start learning something new (that is way bigger than your current job anyways!).

You may use all the pent up emotions and use them as a singular force to learn this new game. Second, learning about poker is not illegal anywhere per se. You can learn and play this game using your smartphone even as you are going to your workplace in a bus or a metro.
Poker is also a gateway to big wins and once you're through with your learning phase, you can always play cash games to test yourself in deeper waters. Once you start winning even in small terms, it will give you that push to rise above your current job and would also fill you with more self-belief. This is the best way to learn and rise above the job that you think you can't stand a day more! And you would still be using it to earn your pay check all through this period. Isn't that a boss move?
You are not the only one out there
Poker is a mathematical function of a standard deck of playing cards and has the charm of hooking-up new and experienced players alike. If you are willing to spend time learning the game, we promise it'll love you back.

Poker is a way of life (read: career) in several Western and European countries and is fast catching up in Asian countries like India and Malaysia as well. Players from different parts of the world do come to play poker in India and Malaysia just as they would for medical tourism, and this has counted hugely in the game's favour too.

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The poker game is played with different variants and they all feature a different number of the card. We know that poker is a mathematical function of a standard deck of playing cards. online poker tournament schedule helps you to learn and practice things in a circular way, you would feel more positive going into a game. Read this article to know about how to learn online poker .

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