Can We Learn Gambling Tricks From Movies

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If you love to gamble, then there's a great chance that you also love movies. The reason for this is because they're both escapist activities. There is something about you that makes you want to get away from the world for a while. Maybe you're an introvert. Perhaps you need to relieve stress. It could also be something much deeper, like something from your childhood that you don't want to deal with thinking about. Gambling is a great escape because when you have action, you're not thinking about anything else. At that point in time, nothing in the outside word exists. If this describes you, then you might want to know if movies can offer gambling tricks. The answer is "yes."

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What are the first movies you think about when it comes to gambling? Most people would say Rounders, 21, Two for the Money and The Sting. These movies offer a wide range of gambling activities. Let's go through each one and see if we can learn anything from them. Perhaps you will learn something and become a more profitable player.

We'll begin with Rounders. The interesting thing about Rounders is that poker players either love it or hate it. There doesn't seem to be much in-between. The reason a lot of players hate it is because they think it doesn't depict the true sense of the poker world, and because Matt Damon is too mainstream for a poker movie. What these people don't realize is that Rounders was written and filmed prior to the poker boom. In other words, they didn't make the movie to profit off the boom. Everything written was based on real experiences. The writer grew up on Long Island and frequented NYC poker rooms. There are a lot of poker games out there, but Rounders focuses on Texas Hold 'Em. The most important things you can learn from this movie are not to attempt cheating in any poker room, that reading opponents is what separates the men from the boys and that sometimes your biggest passion is your career opposed to your significant other. These lessons are general in nature, but that doesn't take away from their importance.

A lot of people despise 21 despite great acting and a fast pace. The reason people hate it is because it didn't do the book justice. The book, by the way, goes by the title Bringing Down the House. It's highly recommended. Of the four movies on our short list, this one can teach you the most when it comes to making money through gambling. It proves that through card counting, it's possible to beat the house. On the other hand, once the casinos see that you've caught on to something, you will get the boot - possibly worse. Your best approach would be to assemble a team, attack the casinos for one week and then get out of town. You can then hire new faces to carry out the same scheme a month later.

Two for the Money is about sports betting. It's not a great movie, but it has its moments. We learn here that even the best of the best in the sports handicapping world can go cold at times. We also learn that selling picks is a cut-throat world. It's only worth getting involved if you have no moral compass. This movie also failed in providing more information on tricks to beating point spreads. That would have been a nice addition.

As far as The Sting goes, it focuses on a lost art, which is the hustle. For example, how often do you see a supposed drunk walk into a poker room these days and act as though they have no idea what they're doing? It's very uncommon, but if it happens, watch that guy. He'll take your money. A better idea is to be that guy.

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