How to Stage an Intervention for Gambling Addiction

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The process used for staging an intervention when someone has a gambling addiction is very similar to the interventions used for people with addictions to drugs and alcohol. Interventions are usually staged to help show the person they actually have a problem which is out of control. The first step is to contact the people who associate with the person the most. These people will often include the gambler's family, friends and co-workers. It is important to enlist the help of people who care about the best interests of the gambler and who have seen first hand how the problem has affected their life.

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While it is not necessary to contact a professional counselor, it is often beneficial to have one present at the intervention. The main function of the professional counselor is to keep the discussion on track so the person being confronted does not feel threatened. Whether the person gambles at an online casino or enjoys sports betting, the issue at hand is to get them to see how their actions have adversely affected the people and activities in their life. The people planning to attend the intervention can schedule a meeting in advance of the set intervention date to discuss a plan of action.

Holding a meeting in advance also helps the group stay focused on what they should discuss at the intervention. The biggest obstacle to overcome in an intervention is the gambler's denial of having a problem. While denial is common for all addicts, it is especially hard to counteract with gambling because it is socially acceptable and does not affect the physical condition of the addict. In most cases the focus should be placed on any financial hardship the gambler is experiencing and how this impacts their family and friends.

Having a professional counselor present can also help reduce the levels of stress and frustration. People involved in interventions often become angry and lash out verbally. A trained counselor knows how to move the group from feelings of frustration toward offering help and support. Trained counselors are also available to hold meetings with friends and family before they confront the addict. During these meetings the counselor will go over what should be discussed and what behavior to expect from the gambler. The process for staging a successful intervention is the same whether the person spends their time with online betting or in physical casinos.

The final step in the process is selecting a time and place for the intervention. In some cases it is helpful to hold the intervention at the person's home where they feel more comfortable. A typical setting could be disguised as an informal dinner party with the selected people in the group. This can also be held at a close friend's house under the same premise. Interventions can also be staged at treatment centers where the chosen counselor works. Getting a gambling addict to go to a treatment center for an intervention will probably be harder than confronting them in their own home.

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