How to Stay Positive and Reduce Divorce Stress

Posted by On 06:08 0 comments

While divorce rates are falling, they’re still quite common, with about 40 percent of all marriages ending in divorce.

Splitting up with a spouse can bring tons of heartache and turmoil, as well as financial, familial, and personal stress.

During these times, it’s pertinent that you stay positive and do everything you can to reduce divorce stress.

While that’s often easier said than done, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can minimize divorce stress and stay positive during this dark period.

When you marry, you expect your partner to be the one person you can always count on. So it makes sense that your faith in others may be a bit shaken following your decision to get a divorce.

Don’t let your past experiences dictate your future. Now, more than ever is the time to reach out.

Start spending time with family and friends. Don’t be afraid to confide in them and let them know you’re hurting.

By nature, humans are empathetic and seek companionship from others who understand us. Leaning on your loved ones can bring you closer and lift you up during your time of need.
Giving your time to others in need is a great way to take you out of your own mind (and home) for a little while. By volunteering, you’ll stay busy while making a difference in your community.

There are tons of service options for people of every type.

Take cute shelter puppies out for a walk if you love animals. Hand out meals at your local soup kitchen if you’re concerned about the homeless. Mentor kids and take a vested interest in their future.

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