An explosive new film detailing how Bill and Hillary Clinton used their positions of power and influence to raise millions for themselves and billions for their "charitable" foundation details, among other things, a deal that helped to enrich a friend and donor at the expense of invaluable, irreplaceable rainforest.

The film, "Clinton Cash," which you can view online in its entirety here, thoroughly explains the nexus between Hillary Clinton's State Department, her ex-president husband, the Clinton Foundation, and foreign governments and business interests all conspiring to raise money at the expense of ordinary people and the environment.

Here is one of the most egregious examples.

In June 2010, Bill Clinton, along with friend and mining billionaire Frank Guistra, a Canadian, flew into Bogota, Colombia, where, coincidentally, they arrive at about the same time as Secretary Clinton, who flew in on a government plane. In her memoirs, which she wrote after leaving the State Department, she claimed that the meeting between her, her husband and Guistra was just happenstance – as if the two of them had no idea they would both be in Bogota, Colombia at the same time.

Follow the money

But of course, the meeting wasn't just happenstance.

The following morning, after the Clintons dined together at a restaurant in the capital city, Bill Clinton has an early morning meeting with outgoing President Alvaro Uribe; Secretary Clinton had a noon lunch meeting with Uribe as well. During the meeting with Mrs. Clinton, the U.S. government grants Colombia a number of technical agreements the Uribe administration had been seeking.

In the days that followed, three companies belonging to Guistra received major concessions from the Colombian government. One of the companies, Prima Colombia Hardwood Inc., received permission to cut timber from a rainforest along the Pacific coast.

One more thing: The rainforest timber was not bound for the United States or even Canada; it was exported to China.

Environmentalists, as well as many of the Colombian people, figured out what was going on eventually and were outraged. Eventually, the permit to cut timber was pulled by a new Colombian government, but not before Giustra's company was able to massively profit from cutting down acres upon acres of irreplaceable rainforest.

For their part, the Clintons have come out in public in support of "sustainable forests" and other environmental causes, but after receiving millions in donations to their foundation – and after Bill Clinton raked in nearly $2 million in speaking fees – their environmentalism took a back seat to their desire for payola.

So much for principles

It wasn't just the Colombian timber deal where the Clintons' ostensible environmental principles were ignored. There was Clinton chicanery when it came to the Keystone XL pipeline as well, one of the touchstones of the so-called "climate change" debate. (See more on that here) The pipeline is designed to carry oil from tar sands fields in Canada to refineries in Texas and Louisiana.

When Hillary Clinton was named as President-Elect Obama's secretary of state in late 2008, there was an issue related to the pipeline waiting for her on her desk. She was to decide whether or not to approve an environmental and economic impact statement and decide whether the pipeline project should be approved; it was a State Department decision (among others) because the pipeline was multinational in scope.

At that exact time, Bill Clinton received an offer of nearly $2 million to give 10 speeches in Canada – from entities that had never before hired him to speak. The company that offered the deal, TD Bank Investment Group, it turns out, is a major shareholder in the Keystone XL project.

Clinton gave the last speech in May 2011; three months later, Secretary Clinton's State Dept. released an environmental impact letter widely seen as favoring the construction of the pipeline. She had in her hands the power to kill the deal but she, mysteriously, signed it – even though she and her boss, Obama, seemed to be opposed to the pipeline as an environmental issue.

Watch the entire Clinton Cash documentary here.

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