Texas Hold Em Poker Rules Explained Simply

Posted by https://casinogamblingimfo.blogspot.com On 04:01 0 comments

In order to play Texas Hold Em, it is essential that you have a good understanding of the rules of the game. There are many books you can buy that explain these rules and there are many Internet sites where they are explained in easy to understand terms. You can also pick up knowledge of the rules by watching players and by asking questions of why and how they made certain moves. The Texas Hold em poker rules are: The dealer shuffles a deck of 52 cards. The jokers are never used in this poker game. The dealer never plays the hand, so if you do not have a specified dealer, each player takes a turn. A button placed in front of the player moves around the table with each hand, signifying which player turn it is to be the dealer. When there is a dealer, the button still moves around the table, but this is to show which players have to pay the big and small blinds. The two players to the left of the dealer are the ones that pay the blinds to start every hand. The player to the immediate left pays the small blind and the next player pays the big blind. This a predetermine amount of money that the players put into the pot to ensure that there is money there for one of the players to win. The small blind is equal to half the minimum bet and the big blind is the full amount.

  Once the blinds are paid, the dealer starts dealing the cards ?one at a time to each player. Each player receives two cards face down. These are called the hole cards. The players look at their cards and make a determination of whether they will bet or fold. The betting begins after each player has looked at his/her cards. This begins with the player seated next to the person that paid the big blind and continues around the table. In their turn players decide whether they will fold, bet, call or raise. Once this round is over the dealer discards the top card on the deck. This is because there is always the possibility that one of the players may have seen this card and based their bets on it if it would enhance their chances of winning. Then the dealer turns over three cards in the center of the table. This is called the flop and the cards are community cards that all the players in the hand can use to combine with the cards in their hands to make winning hands. Another round of betting takes place starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Players can decide to fold, call, raise of check in this and the remaining hands. The dealer them turns over a fourth card, which is called the turn. Again the players bet. The last card turned over by the dealer is called the River. This is the last round of the hand and the winner is decided. The player with the best poker hand wins.

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