The current issue of the Toxicology journal, details the first study in glyphosate's more than 40 years on the market, to study its effects on uterine development. In the study, a group of researchers injected newborn rats with a commercial dose of glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH), while a control group was given a saline solution.

The researchers found that the rats who were exposed to GBH showed signs of morphological changes in their uteri from exposure as early as a week after being born. The GBH group also showed altered expression of the proteins responsible for uterine organo-genetic differentiation. This is very significant, and can mean changes in the form of embryos, such as birth deformities or being born with three ears, for example. It was also shown to affect their organs.

The findings led the researchers to conclude that glyphosate exposure affects female fertility, and could even promote the development of uterine cancer. In addition, glyphosate herbicides can disrupt the endocrine function of prepubescent rats, which indicates that the chemicals are likely endocrine disruptors.

'Safe' dose responsible for uterine effects

The dose of glyphosate that was found to disrupt the rats' uterine development was based on the reference dose of the substance that regulators have claimed is safe for daily consumption over the course of one's lifetime: 2 mg per kg of body weight each day.

This study's findings are hardly surprising to those who are familiar with the well-documented ill effects of glyphosate, but it is notable that it was carried out and published in the first place. After all, GMO chemical firms like Monsanto do their best to make sure that unbiased scientists are not able to study the dangers of their products and release their findings.

Of course, no one should be surprised when the agrochemical lobby tries to discount these findings and/or discredit the researchers. After all, that has been their modus operandi for a number of years, and they have been quite successful in getting their product to remain on the market despite its very real dangers and being labeled by the World Health Organization as a "probable carcinogen."

The findings are significant because glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup are the most widely used in the world, with more than four fifths of all edible agricultural GMOs being sprayed with the substance.

While glyphosate is indeed very dangerous on its own, it is typically combined with adjuvants that have been found to be 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate alone. Monsanto and other firms refuse to disclose the identities of the adjuvants that they use, claiming patent proprietary rights, while risking human health and even life in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Glyphosate already known to cause birth defects

A report released by Earth Open Source in 2011, revealed that regulators have known that Roundup causes birth defects since 1980. In addition, it is common knowledge that high rates of miscarriage have been noted in women who live in areas of Argentina where Roundup Ready soy is sprayed with glyphosate.

None of us want to be exposed to harmful toxins like glyphosate, but the truth is that we are seemingly bombarded with them from every angle in modern life. One way you can neutralize the free radicals that may damage DNA is by taking astaxanthin, one of the most important nutrients there is for human health.

It can help protect against environmental stresses, UV radiation and oxidation. It comes from algae, and is all-natural. In fact, astaxanthin is what gives salmon its pink color as well as its incredible energy for swimming against strong currents. With so many dangerous substances in our environment, we need all the strength we can get to remain healthy and have a fighting chance for lifelong health.

Poker Hands – How They Work

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Learning the poker hands is probably one of the most important skills in playing poker. In every poker game each player makes up a hand of 5 cards, the player with the best hand wins the game and the pot of money.

Here is a breakdown of the poker hands. They are shown in ranking order, and so the top hand beats the lower hands.

Straight Flush - within this hand the five cards follow in sequence and they need to be of the same suit. If in a poker hand 2 or more players have a Straight Flush the hand with the higher cards within the Straight Flush wins the game. A Royal Flush is the highest hand you can get and it consists of Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 all of the same suit.

Four of a Kind - is a hand of 4 cards of the same number and of different suits and one unmatched card. The higher the cards the better the hand, and so if 2 or more players have a four of a kind hand the player with the higher cards wins over the lower card four of a kind.

Full House - a full house is where you have 3 cards the same rank and different suit and 2 cards the same rank and different suit. With this hand the cards that are higher in the set of 3 cards wins and so for example 7,7,7,2,2 beats 5,5,5,King,King.

Flush - a flush is a set of 5 cards all of the same suit but not in sequence. Higher cards within the flush hand beats a lower hand of flush cards. For example all hearts Jack,8,4,2,Ace would beat all clubs 9,7,5,3,Ace. The flush is described by their highest card and so a Jack flush or a Queen high flush for example.

Straight - is a hand where all the cards are of different suits but go in sequential order. Two Straight hands are ranked by the highest cards of each and so 8,7,6,5,4 (all of different suits) beats 5,4,3,2,Ace (all of different suits).

Three of a Kind - is a poker hand that has 3 cards of the same rank and of different suits and 2 unmarked cards for example 4,4,4,King,Ace. The higher the cards of the 3 set wins, and so the previous hand would beat 2,2,2,King, Ace. If the 3 set of 2 hands are the same value the next highest card of the unmarked cards wins.

Two Pair - has 2 pairs in a hand and one unmarked card. For example you have 2,2,5,5,King. If 2 hands has a 2 pair the highest pair cards wins the hand. If 2 players have the same highest pair then it goes to the second pair, if that pair is the same for both pairs then the highest unmatched card is the winner.

One Pair - consists of a hand with one pair with 3 unmatched cards. Higher ranking pair will beat a lower ranking pair. If 2 hands have the same ranking of their pair the winner is decided on the kicker cards depending who has the highest card.

High Card - is a hand sometimes called ‘no pair' or ‘nothing'. This hand has no sequential cards and no pairs of different suits. If 2 players have a high card hand the highest ‘high card' wins the hand. If these cards are the same it carries on down the line to see who has the winning hand.